Environmental disinfection
Disinfecting the air and surfaces in a company is very important because working places, as well as all public places, promote the transmission of bacteria, viruses and pathogens. Beyond the well-known COVID-19, we are surrounded by:
and/or pollutants
Regular disinfection of surfaces and air decontaminates the area, thus creating an obstacle to the transmission of all these elements.
Why should you disinfect in your company?
The COVID-19 pandemic has once again focused attention on the responsibilities of the employer as provider of a healthy working environment and, due to this emergency, many countries’ governments promote this kind of initiative, reducing the company cost through a targeted tax credit ((an example is, in Italy, art. 64 – D.L. 18/2020 «Cura Italia»).
There are many reasons why a company disinfection and decontamination plan should be implemented, first of all safety of:

This increased safety is also reflected in the budget, because:
Reducing the likelihood of illness among employees decreases the costs sustained by the company for employees’ sick leave and keeps productivity levels higher in all departments of the company.
the awareness and care showed by the company also bring benefits in terms of employees’ motivation and corporate image among all organization’s interlocutors.

What technologies do we use?
There are several technologies to perform environmental disinfection on the market. Thanks to the constant comparison with doctors, experts and the Scientific Committee of the ATTA Association (Association of Toxicologists and Environmental Technicians), we at GMT G7 have chosen the following solutions as preferred and most effective:
Titanium dioxide
Hydrogen Peroxide
These technologies make it possible to disinfect surfaces and workplaces, hospitals and similar, as well as residential environments in an effective, durable and environmentally friendly manner.
We have chosen to offer all three of these technologies not only because they have all proved to be very effective and sustainable, but also because it is of fundamental importance for our company to identify and offer the best disinfection solution for the individual customer/context.

Features of the technologies we use
The technologies we offer can be used on their own or in association with each other, depending on the context. The peculiarities of these technologies are:
TiO2 Titanium dioxide
- Dirt repellency, clean and disinfected surfaces
- Elimination of mould and bacterial agents (avoiding reformation)
- Air purifying action
- Air purifying action
- Leaves no toxic residues or chemicals to dispose of
O3 Ozone
- It is one of the most powerful oxidizers found in nature.
- Destroys pathogens and viruses in the air
- Because of its gaseous form it can penetrate cracks and reach points that could not be disinfected by other methods.
- It decomposes into oxygen after use, improving the air in the treated area
- Despite being a powerful oxidizing agent, it’s safe to handle…
- Leaves no toxic residues or chemicals to dispose of
H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide
- It is a strong oxidizer, with an oxidation potential slightly lower than the ozone one.
- Uses the oxidizing power of oxygen stabilizing it with water
- We use it atomizing, avoiding the “fog/wet” effect.
- Leaves no toxic residues or chemicals to dispose of

We help you to oversee the disinfection of your company
Through Sysplorer, our Enterprise Information Portal, you can monitor disinfection activities and related documents and results. Documents that will be increasingly important to have at hand in case of controls, for tax reasons (e.g. tax credit) or for internal management reasons (e.g. follow-up, or communications to employees and/or customers). As for all our other recurring interventions, we will map the structure being processed, reporting the data related to:
Microbial load before and after the treatment
Technical report and documentation relating to the activity carried out
Deadlines and intervals of interventions, in order to allow the management of the interventions by the managers of several locations.