For over twenty years we have been helping companies to understand their business components and their interactions. We contribute to shed light on those ‘grey areas’ that compromise efficiency, where problems and errors are often tackled in a reactive and/or passive way, without being able to identify the causes to avoid repetition: this intervention, called ‘Fix & Fail’, is likely to replicate the same problems and errors over time as well as reproducing the same (ineffective) methods of intervention.

Every company has multiple elements. Like in a puzzle,
the pieces must fit together perfectly to be effective.

Sysplorer’s modules
Sysplorer MAIN
Scheduled maintenance management
Scheduled maintenance under control: organization of deadlines, centralized management of documents and contracts related to scheduled maintenance. […]
Sysplorer RETAIL
Reactive maintenance management
Centralized management of the entire process of managing reactive maintenance in multi-site contexts: from the field request to the digital approval of the P.O., up to the approval of the invoice and finally to the archiving of all documents. […]
Sysplorer BPM
Business process mapping
Clear and accurate overview of your company’s processes: mapping of operational and production processes, their relation to technological infrastructures and interconnection between them. […]
Sysplorer IT
IT infrastructures audit and mapping
Audit and analysis of the compliance with specific benchmarks of IT infrastructures of your company and all its locations and detailed mapping of connected IT devices to know its service status and to have a consistent and complete overview. […]
Sysplorer COMPLY
Compliance audit
Simple and intuitive compliance management: audit and assessment of compliance against defined parameters to always keep the compliance level of your company and all its locations under control. […]
Facilities mapping
Mapping of the safety & security and electrical systems to visualise the technological infrastructures (IT infrastructure excluded) of your company and all its locations at any time and keep them efficient and effective over time. […]
Sysplorer EDU
Corporate training tool
The e-learning platform that provides the possibility of developing tailor-made training modules and allows you to train and update your employees quickly and easily. […]
Sysplorer GDPR
Privacy and GDPR management
Centralised management of Privacy and GDPR obligations with the possibility of sharing, at company level, all the bureaucratic and technical aspects required by law under European Data Protection Regulation 679/2016. […]
Sysplorer SANA
Environmental health monitoring
Documentation and technical details of the disinfection work carried out in your company and in all its locations always at hand, as well as information on when to carry out the interventions. […]
Sysplorer RT
Technical alarm management software
Software for real-time management and monitoring of technical alarms resulting from malfunctions and/or failures of devices and systems in critical areas of your company and all its locations. […]
Beyond "FIX & FAIL"

How much could you save if you knew in advance about potential risks and prevented major damage from occurring?
A thorough analysis allows the company to deliberately decide on the priorities for intervention.

We've reassembled the puzzle for: